Antibodies | Assay Kits | Biology Cells | cDNA | Clia Kits | Culture Cells | Devices | DNA | DNA Templates | DNA Testing | Elisa Kits | Enzymes | Equipments | Exosomes | Gels | Isotypes | Medium & Serums | NATtrol | Panel | Particles | PCR | Pcr Kits | Peptides | Reagents | Recombinant Proteins | Ria Kits | RNA | Test Kits | Vector & Virus | Western Blot
Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) as a prognostic marker of mortality in healthy, general and patient populations: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Introduction: Chronic inflammation is increasingly recognized as a major contributor to disease, disability and eventually death, but measure the degree…
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